Thursday 23 September 2010

Two Eyes

Two eyes decapitate me.
Headless, full of joy, I wonder,
Are they my own?
I can no longer tell.

Long strong bones they break,
While keeping the snake of my spine,
Delicately intact;
Each vertebra timed just right,
Not too close, not too far.

Two eyes bleed me,
Until I am light.
Is it ruin they beget?
I cannot tell.

I hope the destroying never ends.
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Kirsten Valentine Cadieux said...

What a wonderful way to have your self-evisceration organized!

LWP said...

My goodness, my goodness.

Would not Jung himself kiss your vestigial tail?

The first stanza alone had me coiled. The last line drips sugar from loving fangs.

This is some very satisfying poetizing.

Nick Martin said...

I read it a hundred times and I still can't fully get the meaning of it. Why I kept at it I don't know, but it's very interesting :)

Guess my poetry isn't up to par.


Kirsten Valentine Cadieux said...

Oh my heavens, though: could there be a more satisfying self-evisceration than editing poetry?

We may need some thinking and writing about the psychology of editing...

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